4. Reading Guide: How to find what might interest you

"Physics with XO" intents to be a very wide project that everyone can traverse in their own way.

  1. If your interest is the answer to the question "what can I do with an XO that applies to physics?" visit the Youtube video series (in average one minute) that can be found at: https://sites.google.com/site/solymar1fisica/fisica-con-xo-investigacion-/videos-youtube-fisica-con-xo

  2. If you are interested in developing Experimental Activities that don't imply a risk for the XO (from errors connecting, etc.) you may go directly to chapter 14 Experimental Activities and look for those that are identified with codes SR, SI or X in the top right cell of each Experimental Activity table (those identified with the SV code involve deeper knowledge). All programming can be downloaded from: https://sites.google.com/site/solymar1fisica/programas-tb

  3. If you wish to study a topic with a more depth than we have been able to provide, you may begin reading the work in linear order, taking into account that Chapter 9 Accuracy and precision of Analog to Digital conversion is the most technical in the set. You can refer to its conclusions in a first reading.

  4. If you don't have an XO, you may read Chapter 14 Experimental Activities in order to learn how to apply what is described in Annex 2: "Physics with XO" without XO.

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